Sunday, July 27, 2008

New life

Just born..

God has the most remarkable way of humbling all the doctors, engineers, scientists, professors. Life.

His creation is sheer magic... look at them... it's something one can die for. And one can live for. All these hullaboo about science, medicine, engineering marvels like huge bridges, skyscrapers, technology that's shrinking the world... all that and much more is so easily dwarfed by just these mystical little creations - each such creation a world in itself!

But this romance doesn't last long. No sooner are they born that they are consumed by the need to survive. Every passing second, passing minute narrowing a larger view that one is born with.

The thing to be noticed here is that the two black felines and the two white ones have grouped into two - Blacks and Whites. Something that happens with mankind too. Very prominently.
Also notice the colour that is trying to dominate the food here - again a similarity with man?
And finally the instincts take over, early innocence diluted and the new ones well on their way.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Question: Did I really knew my motive in life?
Answer: No

Q: Did I knew what I wanted to be?
A: No

Q: What were my interests?
A: Many... uncountable...

Q: What were my skills?
A: None

Q: What made me happy?
A: Many things

Q: What did not make me happy?
A: Don't know

All along, I felt or rather was made to feel that not having answers and/or having open answers to the questions above was a demerit and showed a lack of focus and that not having a focus would make me go haywire and lose out on a good quality of life.

And still here I am, considered by many as having a great career start, probably the best possible qualifications for a nice, long career, work in one of the best corporate houses of the world, having all basic necessities (and luxuries) - home, car, great food, good friends. And I am only 25.

But what has happened after this sometime disturbs me. Let's revisit the same Questions

Q: Do I know my motive in life?
Answer: Yes, money.

Q: Do I know what I want to be?
A: Yes, a VP atleast and preferably a CEO.

Q: What are my interests?
A: Stock markets

Q: What are my career skills?
A: Manipulation

Q: What makes me happy?
A: End of the month salary

Q: What does not make me happy?
A: Losing out a deal to competition

Having crisp answers to these questions might seem impressive and one might deduce that finally things are on track. However, I think this is a disturbing trend. Having ready answers to these questions scares the shit out of my pants sometimes! I clearly remember how happy I was when I didn't knew the answers and yet would put in everything I could in everything I did and how much I enjoyed doing that. Of late I have been very selective in channelising my energies - not spending too much time thinking on things that are not part of the 'core' and I feel I get sapped rather quickly. Earlier when I rather 'disbursed' (as against ' channelised') the energies I used to get more in return thereby never getting tired. Why this return happened is something I still don't know, if you have a notion please tell me!

Coming back to the point, this is for those who are constantly advised by others to have a 'sense of direction', a 'focus', a 'clear thought process' - Please do not ruin your journey by limiting yourself... go haywire, lose yourself, drift along, go with the flow, freak out, that's how life is intended to be lived. We really never live to become doctors, engineers, managers, scientists - we live to be happy and let it dawn upon you what makes you happy, let not others force themselves and their ideas on you because then you stop living your life and start spending it. And once that happens, it's pretty much the end of life.

So, if you are in your mid 20s and have still not got a sense of direction in your career (or anything), be happy, your are still living your life and to people who limit you tell them to kiss your ass!